11th December 2024

Office Hours

Lead the conversation well beyond campus.

Join Shannon Young of the Roundglass India Center to learn how a podcast can serve higher ed institutions by building community and boosting thought leadership.

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Lower Street Office Hours | December 2024

Podcasts in Academia: Engaging Communities and Expanding Reach

Do you have any idea how many academic papers gather dust, unread and overlooked?

Podcasts offer a fresh way for higher ed institutions to gain attention from wider audiences, build up community, and make research approachable.

But where to start? To some it may seem a natural transition - as an academic you are constantly publishing, this is just a switch in medium.

To others of you, the potential of podcasting may not be clear yet.

This session is for you - to understand how a podcast can serve your institution, and how you can get started.

Shannon Young will sit down with Annalise Nielsen to chat about how through a podcast you can

  • Build a vibrant community
  • Share the strengths of your institution’s thought leaders
  • Show how research is applied, and why it’s relevant
  • Create a library of content to reach audiences who cannot attend live events

If you can’t make it on December 11th, replays will be available to registered attendees.

An interactive live event

Once a month, we’re opening our doors for a one-hour session to answer your most pressing questions about brand podcasting.

Each Office Hours will feature insights from a brand podcasting expert, then the line is open for you to ask, and us to answer. How do you really make your brand podcast stand out? What does it really take to launch a podcast? How to grow the audience of your show?

Following this talk, there will be 30-minutes of open-floor Q&A. Shannon and Annalise will be available to answer any questions.

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An interactive live event

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